- Plain nonfat greek yogurt
- A drizzle of honey (Caitlin doesn't do the honey, but I'm not that hardcore.)
- Some cereal - I used Gorilla Munch
- Sliced banana
The combo was REALLY good. May definitely become a breakfast regular.
Lunch was such a "MOM" lunch, it made me laugh.
I made Aaron a PB&J...with apple slices and a yogurt tube.
Here's what I had:

Remnants of the train sandwich and the final few apple slices that were in the bag. Where I actually found a few pieces that Aaron had gnawed on and put BACK in the bag. I'm hoping it was from Aaron, at least. (He had been eating them straight out of the bag a couple days ago.)
This evening, we went to a new favorite park. It has an amazing play structure and sandbox for Aaron...
...and a nice jogging trail that goes around the park for me and Mike! I need to take my Garmin to see how long the trail is. We're estimating >1 mile...but not 2 miles. ??? So, tonight, Mike and I took turns running while the other person watched Aaron.
We left the park at 8, and hadn't had dinner yet...so, we stopped by Safeway on the way home and grabbed a take-n-bake pizza and salad. Not the most healthy, but it'll do.
Since we're all off time-wise with the late dinner, Aaron is still up (way past his bedtime), so mom duties are calling. Literally.
1 comment:
Hi Jennie-
I've added your blog to my RSS on my phone and am really enjoying reading about your food adventures! One of these days I will be inspired to try one of the recipes! All the best on your transition to the Seattle area.
--Sarah F.
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